When a man asks a woman what’s wrong and she says ‘Nothing’, it usually means ‘Nothing, unless you care to listen and let me talk.’ John Gray View this quote
When a man asks a woman what’s wrong and she says ‘Nothing’, it usually means ‘Nothing, unless you care to listen and let me talk.’ John Gray
John Gray
In my personal life I’m not very tough at all, but in my professional life, having to deal with being a woman in a man’s world, I’m really tough. I never back down from a fight or an argument. I’m willing to stand there toe to toe with anyone. Cher
When a woman is talking to you, listen to her eyes. John Gray
When men and women are able to respect and accept their differences then love has a chance to blossom. John Gray
Women are incredibly intuitive. If anybody on the planet is going to evolve to the next level, that telekinetic thing, women will. Robin Williams
Robin Williams
The sadness of the women’s movement is that they don’t allow the necessity of love. See, I don’t personally trust any revolution where love is not allowed. Maya Angelou
Maya Angelou
Women stop talking when they don’t trust they will be fully heard. John Gray
Every entrepreneur, whether man or woman, should start with a robust business structure. Chanda Kochhar
Chanda Kochhar
The fastest way for you to succeed is by piggy-backing on the good advice and counsel of men and women who have already spent years leaning how to succeed. When you do this on a regular and systematic basis, you will open up doors of opportunity and possibilities for you that today you cannot even imagine. Brian Tracy
Brian Tracy
Men have to be reminded that women exist. Eleanor Roosevelt
Eleanor Roosevelt