Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition. Marilyn Monroe View this quote
Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition. Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn Monroe
Back then, a few doilies and napkins were all that a lot of women had. In the little house where I grew up, the pillowcases my grandmother embroidered were the only things of beauty. Oprah Winfrey
Oprah Winfrey
A man loved by a beautiful woman will always get out of trouble. Voltaire
A hard headed woman, a soft hearted man, been the cause of trouble ever since the world began. Elvis Presley
Elvis Presley
Any man who holds a woman back is not a man a woman can afford to be with. Marianne Williamson
Marianne Williamson
I’d tell men and women in their midtwenties not to settle for a job or a profession or even a career. Seek a calling. Even if you don’t know what that means, seek it. Phil Knight
Phil Knight
A man has no business to marry a woman who can’t make him miserable. It means she can’t make him happy. George Bernard Shaw
George Bernard Shaw
A wise woman is careful not to pursue a man more than he is pursuing her. John Gray
John Gray
Viewed purely in the abstract, I think there can be no question that women should have equal rights with men. Theodore Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt
I believe that the time has come for women to take more active roles in all domains of human society, in an age in which education and the capacities of the mind, not physical strength, define leadership. This could help create a more equitable and compassionate society. 14th Dalai Lama
14th Dalai Lama