This is not a time when women should be patient. We are in a war and we need to fight it with all our ability and every weapon possible. Women pilots, in this particular case, are a weapon waiting to be used. Eleanor Roosevelt View this quote
This is not a time when women should be patient. We are in a war and we need to fight it with all our ability and every weapon possible. Women pilots, in this particular case, are a weapon waiting to be used. Eleanor Roosevelt
Eleanor Roosevelt
I know all the bad things that happened in that war. I was in uniform four years myself. Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan
Although deceit is detestable in all other things, yet in the conduct of war it is laudable and honorable; and a commander who vanquishes an enemy by stratagem is equally praised with one who gains victory by force. Niccolo Machiavelli
Niccolo Machiavelli
I firmly believe that nuclear war is absolutely impossible. I don’t think anyone in the world wants a nuclear war – not even the Russians. Frank Sinatra
Frank Sinatra
Love is like a war; easy to start but hard to end and you never know where it might take you. Oscar Wilde
Oscar Wilde
People are still thinking of solving problems by violence and war, and that has to stop. Yoko Ono
Yoko Ono
I sincerely wish war was a pleasanter and easier business than it is, but it does not admit of holidays. Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln
My father Ted fought in North Africa, Italy, and Germany during World War II. My grandfather survived the horrors of the trenches in World War I. I truly believe that one of the E.U.’s greatest achievements is that it has kept its members out of conflict in Europe. Richard Branson
Richard Branson
War and hunger and ignorance and despair know no religious barriers. John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy
May the conscience and the common sense of the peoples be awakened, so that we may reach a new stage in the life of nations, where people will look back on war as an incomprehensible aberration of their forefathers! Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein