The best omen of international good-will is that conferences are getting shorter. Now if they will do away with ’em entirely there will be no war. Will Rogers View this quote
The best omen of international good-will is that conferences are getting shorter. Now if they will do away with ’em entirely there will be no war. Will Rogers
Will Rogers
The pictorial battlefield becomes a sea of mud mercifully veiled by the fog of war. Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill
War is not human nature. It is a habit. Gregg Braden
Gregg Braden
All wars signify the failure of conflict resolution mechanisms, and they need post-war rebuilding of faith, trust and confidence. Abdul Kalam
Abdul Kalam
There is the eternal war between those who are in the world for what they can get out of it and those who are in the world to make it a better place for everybody to live in. George Bernard Shaw
George Bernard Shaw
I’m glad I didn’t have to fight in any war. I’m glad I didn’t have to pick up a gun. I’m glad I didn’t get killed or kill somebody. I hope my kids enjoy the same lack of manhood. Tom Hanks
Tom Hanks
There’s no honorable way to kill, no gentle way to destroy. There is nothing good in war. Except its ending. Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln
There was only one virtue, pugnacity; only one vice, pacifism. That is an essential condition of war. George Bernard Shaw
More than an end to war, we want an end to the beginning of all wars – yes, an end to this brutal, inhuman and thoroughly impractical method of settling the differences between governments. Franklin D. Roosevelt
Franklin D. Roosevelt
The present war has revised all military theories about the field of fire … The question to be solved … is the actual getting across of 100 or 200 yards of open space and wire entanglements. Winston Churchill