You can’t say civilization don’t advance, however, for in every war they kill you in a new way. Will Rogers View this quote
You can’t say civilization don’t advance, however, for in every war they kill you in a new way. Will Rogers
Will Rogers
He who wishes to be a surgeon should go to war. Hippocrates
It is the object only of war that makes it honorable. Thomas Paine
Thomas Paine
The marathon is an adventure into the limits of the self, representing what has been called the moral equivilant of war-a theater for heroism. George A. Sheehan
George A. Sheehan
If we desire to avoid insult, we must be able to repel it; if we desire to secure peace, one of the most powerful instruments of our rising prosperity, it must be known, that we are at all times ready for War. George Washington
George Washington
Let the world see that this nation can bear prosperity; and that her honest virtue in time of peace is equal to her bravest valor in time of war. Thomas Paine
If the two countries went to war and Canada chose to fight unconventionally, history would suggest that you ought to put your money on Canada. Malcolm Gladwell
Malcolm Gladwell
If men want to oppose war, it is statism that they must oppose. Ayn Rand
Ayn Rand
It’s a fraction of the cost to prevent a war than prosecute a war. Marianne Williamson
Marianne Williamson
A lot has happened over the years. And while this nation has been tested by war, and it’s been tested by recession and all manner of challenges – I stand before you again tonight, after almost two terms as your president, to tell you I am more optimistic about the future of America than ever before. Barack Obama
Barack Obama