It is perhaps a good thing to stand away from the canvas from time to time and take a full view of the picture. Winston Churchill View this quote
It is perhaps a good thing to stand away from the canvas from time to time and take a full view of the picture. Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill
First people waste time and then, time catches up and wastes them. Shiv Khera
Shiv Khera
Personally, I enjoy working about 18 hours a day. Besides the short catnaps I take each day, I average about four to five hours of sleep per night. Thomas Edison
Thomas Edison
But when you’re out there partying, horsing around, someone out there at the same time is working hard. Someone is getting smarter and someone is winning. Just remember that. Arnold Schwarzenegger
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Sleep is like a drug. Take too much at a time and it makes you dopey. You lose time and opportunities. Thomas Edison
Quit counting time and start making time count. Zig Ziglar
Zig Ziglar
Time well spent results in more money to spend, more money to save, and more time to vacation. Zig Ziglar
Focus on what it is that you want, set a realistic goal. Start setting goals that you feel you can accomplish. Don’t try to go right to the top in one leap. Every time you accomplish a goal you develop the strength and wisdom to accomplish the next one. Chuck Norris
Chuck Norris
The competitor to be feared is one who never bothers about you at all, but goes on making his own business better all the time. Henry Ford
Henry Ford
If you want to leave your footprints on the sands of time, do not drag your feet. Abdul Kalam
Abdul Kalam