Comedians haven’t improved. Nothing has improved but taxes. Will Rogers View this quote
Comedians haven’t improved. Nothing has improved but taxes. Will Rogers
Will Rogers
They can’t collect legal taxes from illegal money. Al Capone
Al Capone
After military service, the most patriotic thing you can do as a wealthy person is pay your taxes. Mark Cuban
Mark Cuban
The problem with being an employee or self-employed is you pay the highest taxes. Robert Kiyosaki
Robert Kiyosaki
Baseball is a skilled game. It’s America’s game – it, and high taxes. Will Rogers
Nobody is opposed to paying taxes; governments need to coordinate, work together and simplify the law. Jon Oringer
Jon Oringer
People were tired of wasteful government programs and welfare chiselers; and they were angry about the constant spiral of taxes and government regulations, arrogant bureaucrats, and public officials who thought all of mankind’s problems could be solved by throwing the taxpayers’ dollars at them. Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan
When a party can’t think of anything else they always fall back on lower taxes. It has a magic sound to a voter just like Fairyland is spoken of and dreamed of by children. But no child has ever seen it. Neither has any voter ever lived to see the day when his taxes were lowered. Will Rogers
Men decided that it was better to pay taxes than to fight among themselves; better to pay tribute to one magnificent robber than to bribe them all. Will Durant
Will Durant
When everybody has got money they cut taxes, and when they’re broke they raise them. That’s statesmanship of the highest order. Will Rogers