All the conditions of happiness are realized in the life of the man of science. Bertrand Russell View this quote
All the conditions of happiness are realized in the life of the man of science. Bertrand Russell
Bertrand Russell
When I was young I liked taking tests. I happened to be good at it. Certain subjects came easily, like math. All the science stuff. I would just read the textbooks in the first few days of class. Bill Gates
Bill Gates
Almost everything that distinguishes the modern world from earlier centuries is attributable to science, which achieved its most spectacular triumphs in the seventeenth century. Bertrand Russell
Philosophy limits the disputable sphere of natural science. Ludwig Wittgenstein
Ludwig Wittgenstein
All science would be superfluous if the outward appearance and the essence of things directly coincided. Karl Marx
Karl Marx
Although this may seem a paradox, all exact science is based on the idea of approximation. If a man tells you he knows a thing exactly, then you can be safe in inferring that you are speaking to an inexact man. Bertrand Russell
Romance should never begin with sentiment. It should begin with science and end with a settlement. Oscar Wilde
Oscar Wilde
The best museums and museum exhibits about science or technology give you the feeling that, hey, this is interesting, but maybe I could do something here, too. Paul Allen
Paul Allen
I am often amazed at how much more capability and enthusiasm for science there is among elementary school youngsters than among college students. Carl Sagan
Carl Sagan
I am of the opinion that all the finer speculations in the realm of science spring from a deep religious feeling, and that without such feeling they would not be fruitful. Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein