Good customer service is not simply about solving problems, it’s about listening and making the customer feel heard. Simon Sinek View this quote
Good customer service is not simply about solving problems, it’s about listening and making the customer feel heard. Simon Sinek
Simon Sinek
Face-to-face customer feedback refines or validates every component of the startup’s business model, not just the product itself. Steve Blank
Steve Blank
Your earning ability today is largely dependent upon your knowledge, skill and your ability to combine that knowledge and skill in such a way that you contribute value for which customers are going to pay. Brian Tracy
Brian Tracy
Loyalty is earned with friendliness, responsiveness, ease of doing business, fair value, and the good feeling customers get when they call you, visit you, or interact with you. Jeffrey Gitomer
Jeffrey Gitomer
My readers and my audiences have turned into my followers. They are more than interested in what I have to say in the subjects of sales, loyalty, attitude, networking, business social media, and becoming a trusted advisor. Jeffrey Gitomer
Many of the innovative companies got their best product ideas from customers. That comes from listening, intently and regularly. Tom Peters
Tom Peters
No plan survives first contact with customers. Steve Blank
Happy employees ensure happy customers. And happy customers ensure happy shareholders – in that order. Simon Sinek
Apple is the only company that can take hardware, software, and services and integrate those into an experience that’s an ‘aha’ for the customer. You can take that and apply to markets that we’re not in today. Tim Cook
Tim Cook
Only by moving away from the comforts of your conference room to truly engage with and listen to your customers can you learn in depth about their problems, produce features to solve those problems, and learn what drives customers to recommend, approve, and purchase products. Steve Blank