Companies should always want to delight their customers. Guy Kawasaki View this quote
Companies should always want to delight their customers. Guy Kawasaki
Guy Kawasaki
Creating demand is hard. Filling demand is easier. Don’t create a product, then seek someone to sell it to. Find a market – define your customers – then find or develop a product for them. Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
No business can stay in business without customers. How you treat – or mistreat – them determines how long your doors stay open. Harvey Mackay
Harvey Mackay
No one can make you serve customers well. That’s because great service is a choice. Ken Blanchard
Ken Blanchard
Develop and maintain momentum by working continuously toward your sales goals every day. Brian Tracy
Brian Tracy
Customers can tell you how to evolve a product, but they can’t show you how to make a leap. Guy Kawasaki
Develop wisdom in sales by reflecting on your experience, and learning everything you can from every call. Brian Tracy
Do your own market research; ask your last ten customers exactly why they bought from you. Brian Tracy
Marketers need to build digital relationships and reputation before closing a sale. Chris Brogan
Chris Brogan
Choose your customers, choose your future. Seth Godin
Seth Godin