Elite performers build human connections. Business is about relationships. Nothing is more important than building emotional engagement with your teammates, with your suppliers and with your customers. Robin Sharma View this quote
Elite performers build human connections. Business is about relationships. Nothing is more important than building emotional engagement with your teammates, with your suppliers and with your customers. Robin Sharma
Robin Sharma
The more successful you and your organization become, the more humble and devoted to your customers you need to be. Robin Sharma
The truth will not blow the sale, it will strengthen the relationship. It takes sales balls to make real sales calls. Jeffrey Gitomer
Jeffrey Gitomer
There is no prize in sales for second place. It’s win or nothing. The masters know this and strive for – they fight for – that winning edge. Jeffrey Gitomer
There’s no lotion or potion that will make sales faster and easier for you – unless your potion is hard work. Jeffrey Gitomer
If you want customers to hear about you, make something worth talking about. Seth Godin
Seth Godin
Sales cure all. Know how your company will make money and how you will actually make sales. Mark Cuban
Mark Cuban
Sales, which in turn is about how well you treat your customer and stay ahead of your customer’s requirements. Mark Cuban
Products are sold because they solve a problem or fill a need. Understanding problems and needs involves understanding customers and what makes them tick. Steve Blank
Steve Blank
Every moment in front of a customer is a gorgeous opportunity to live your values. Robin Sharma