A King should sacrifice the best affections of his heart for the good of his country; no sacrifice should be above his determination. Napoleon View this quote
A King should sacrifice the best affections of his heart for the good of his country; no sacrifice should be above his determination. Napoleon
If fighting for the legislatures meant a sacrifice of truth and nonviolence, democracy would not be worth a moment’s purchase. Mahatma Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi
Where else, in a non-totalitarian country, but in the political profession is the individual expected to sacrifice all-including his own career-for the national good? John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy
Our leaders have asked for ‘shared sacrifice.’ But when they did the asking, they spared me. I checked with my mega-rich friends to learn what pain they were expecting. They, too, were left untouched. Warren Buffett
Warren Buffett
In the military, they give medals for people who are willing to sacrifice themselves so that others may survive. In business, we give bonuses to people who sacrifice others. Simon Sinek
Simon Sinek
My friend, love is a verb. Love-the feeling-is a fruit of love, the verb. So love her. Serve her. Sacrifice. Listen to her. Empathize. Appreciate. Affirm her. Are you willing to do that? Stephen Covey
Stephen Covey
War is not merely justifiable, but imperative upon honorable men, upon an honorable nation, where peace can only be obtained by the sacrifice of conscientious conviction or of national welfare. Theodore Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt
A nation will not count the sacrifice it makes, if it supposes it is engaged in a struggle for its fame, its influence and its existence. Benjamin Disraeli
Benjamin Disraeli
What you tell me about in the nights. That is not love. That is only passion and lust. When you love you wish to do things for. You wish to sacrifice for. You wish to serve. Ernest Hemingway
Ernest Hemingway
Now of all the idealist abominations that make society pestiferous I doubt if there be any so mean as that of forcing self-sacrifice on a woman under the pretense that she likes it. George Bernard Shaw
George Bernard Shaw