A real student will not merely read this book, he will absorb its contents and make them his own. Napoleon Hill View this quote
A real student will not merely read this book, he will absorb its contents and make them his own. Napoleon Hill
Napoleon Hill
If you take away the gift of reading, you create the gift of listening. Malcolm Gladwell
Malcolm Gladwell
Don’t write what you think people want to read. Find your voice and write about what’s in your heart. Quentin Tarantino
Quentin Tarantino
If I read a book that cost me $20 and I get one good idea, I’ve gotten one of the greatest bargains of all time. Tom Peters
Tom Peters
Some people claim that it is okay to read trashy novels because sometimes you can find something valuable in them. You can also find a crust of bread in a garbage can, if you search long enough, but there is a better way. Jim Rohn
Jim Rohn
Some people read so little, they have rickets of the mind. Jim Rohn
Read every book, blog, website, whatever, about what you want to be an expert in. James Altucher
James Altucher
The best way to get trained is to get mentored – live or by reading or watching videos by masters. That way, you start executing based on lessons from the best. Tony Robbins
Tony Robbins
Reading will assist you, but it’s a whole different world when you go from reading to doing. T. Harv Eker
T. Harv Eker
The best leaders are the most dedicated learners. Read great books daily. Robin Sharma
Robin Sharma