Expanding your body language-through posture, movement, and speech – makes you feel more confident and powerful, less anxious and self-absorbed, and generally more positive. Amy Cuddy View this quote
Expanding your body language-through posture, movement, and speech – makes you feel more confident and powerful, less anxious and self-absorbed, and generally more positive. Amy Cuddy
Amy Cuddy
The power of a positive self-image plays a vital role in experiencing perfect health. Deepak Chopra
Deepak Chopra
Positive people know that God is in control, and that nothing happens without His permission. They choose to bloom where they are planted. They’re not waiting to be happy when the situation changes. Joel Osteen
Joel Osteen
I try to focus and compete and do positive things for the sport. Usain Bolt
Usain Bolt
Never leave the site of a goal without first taking some form of positive action towards its attainment. Right now, take a moment to define the first steps you must take to achieve some goal. What can you do today to move forward? Tony Robbins
Tony Robbins
I want always to be positive. Gianni Versace
Gianni Versace
The negative principle negates. The positive principle creates. The negative principle doubts. The positive principle believes. The negative principle accepts defeat. The positive principle goes for victory. Norman Vincent Peale
Norman Vincent Peale
The best way to support dreams and stretch is to set apart small ideas with big potential, then give people positive role models and the resources to turn small projects into big businesses. Jack Welch
Jack Welch
Nobody can be all smiley all the time, but having a good positive attitude isn’t something to shrug off. Yogi Berra
Yogi Berra
Your smile will give you a positive countenance that will make people feel comfortable around you. Les Brown
Les Brown