All of us profit from being corrected – if we’re corrected in a positive way. Sam Walton View this quote
All of us profit from being corrected – if we’re corrected in a positive way. Sam Walton
Sam Walton
You cannot have a negative mouth and a positive life. Joyce Meyer
Joyce Meyer
If even a few individuals simply try to create mental peace and happiness within themselves and act responsibly and kind-heartedly towards others, they will have a positive influence in their community. 14th Dalai Lama
14th Dalai Lama
A leader with confidence is a leader who brings out positive changes in people. John C. Maxwell
John C. Maxwell
Positive thoughts generate positive feelings and attract positive life experiences. You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough. Mae West
Mae West
For every negative, there’s a positive. It’s in everything. How you deal with life, outlook, how much energy you put into achieving something. Mario Andretti
Mario Andretti
All physical beings have communication from their inner being in the form of emotion, and so, whenever your emotion is positive, you can know that you are in harmony with your inner intentions. Esther Hicks
Esther Hicks
Every positive change – every jump to a higher level of energy and awareness – involves a rite of passage. Each time we ascend to a higher rung on the ladder of personal evolution, we must go through a period of discomfort, of initiation. I have never found an exception. Dan Millman
Dan Millman
If the mind is tranquil and occupied with positive thoughts, the body will not easily fall prey to disease. 14th Dalai Lama
You cannot hang out with negative people and expect to live a positive life. Darren Hardy
Darren Hardy