A government builds its prestige upon the apparently voluntary association of the governed. Mahatma Gandhi View this quote
A government builds its prestige upon the apparently voluntary association of the governed. Mahatma Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi
A question arises whether all the powers of government, legislative, executive, and judicial, shall be left in this body? I think a people cannot be long free, nor ever happy, whose government is in one assembly. John Adams
John Adams
The most terrifying words in the english language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help. Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan
Mankind, when left to themselves, are unfit for their own government. George Washington
George Washington
The requisites of government are that there be sufficiency of food, sufficiency of military equipment, and the confidence of the people in their ruler. Confucius
There is nothing so bad that politics cannot make it worse. Thomas Sowell
Thomas Sowell
Those government officials who want more power are not going to stop unless they get stopped. Thomas Sowell
A nation that honors God will always be honored by God. I’ve seen nations that have dishonored God: God has been taken out of schools, the government, the military; and when you take Him out of a nation, how can you expect God to protect this nation? Nick Vujicic
Nick Vujicic
People too smart to get involved in politics are doomed to live in societies run by people who aren’t. Plato
Government is like an onion. To understand it, you have to peel through many different layers. Most outsiders never get beyond the first or second layer. Warren Bennis
Warren Bennis