I despise politics. There is no room for it in a company. My life is going to be way too short to deal with that. Tim Cook View this quote
I despise politics. There is no room for it in a company. My life is going to be way too short to deal with that. Tim Cook
Tim Cook
Netscape was able to get the government working on its behalf. Bill Gates
Bill Gates
I don’t own encryption, Apple doesn’t own encryption. Encryption, as you know, is everywhere. In fact some of encryption is funded by our government. Tim Cook
There’s one thing that I’ve liked over the years when I’ve promoted bodybuilding and fitness and my movies and politics and issues and so on is to stay focused. Arnold Schwarzenegger
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Simple fairness dictates that government must not raise taxes on families struggling to pay their bills. Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan
I’m enormously interested in freedom and retaining the right to have whatever economy we want and to shape it as we want and a having sufficient Democracy so that the people actually hold their Government in their own hands. Eleanor Roosevelt
Eleanor Roosevelt
Congress knew Coolidge would veto the farm bill. There was more politics than relief in that bill. Will Rogers
Will Rogers
Good government should maintain the balance where every individual may have a place if he will take it, where every individual may find safety if he wishes it, where every individual may attain such power as his ability permits, consistent with his assuming the accompanying responsibility. Franklin D. Roosevelt
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Politics has never been for the thin-skinned or the faint of heart, and if you enter the arena, you should expect to get roughed up. Moreover, Democracy in a nation of more than 300 million people is inherently difficult. Barack Obama
Barack Obama
Government bailouts are like potato chips: You can’t stop with just one. Thomas Sowell
Thomas Sowell