Having lots of money while not having inner peace is like dying of thirst while bathing in the ocean. Paramahansa Yogananda View this quote
Having lots of money while not having inner peace is like dying of thirst while bathing in the ocean. Paramahansa Yogananda
Paramahansa Yogananda
He who envies others does not obtain peace of mind. Buddha
Courageous people do not fear forgiving, for the sake of peace. Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela
A compassionate state of mind brings inner peace, and therefore a healthier body. 14th Dalai Lama
14th Dalai Lama
A generous heart and wholesome actions lead to greater peace. 14th Dalai Lama
If you don’t have peace, it isn’t because someone took it from you; you gave it away. You cannot always control what happens to you, but you can control what happens in you. John C. Maxwell
John C. Maxwell
Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace. Confucius
Celebrate the now, and you will live your life in peace, harmony and joy. Randy Gage
Randy Gage
First there must be order and harmony within your own mind. Then this order will spread to your family, then to the community, and finally to your entire kingdom. Only then can you have peace and harmony. Confucius
Peace of mind attained only through self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to do the best of which you’re capable. John Wooden
John Wooden