When we create peace and harmony and balance in our minds, we will find it in our lives. Louise Hay View this quote
When we create peace and harmony and balance in our minds, we will find it in our lives. Louise Hay
Louise Hay
Whatever you do, do it with love and good will. Pour out love, peace, and good will to all. Claim frequently that god’s love and transcendent beauty flow through all my thoughts, words, and actions. Joseph Murphy
Joseph Murphy
Civilisation will not last, freedom will not survive, peace will not be kept, unless a very large majority of mankind unite together to defend them and show themselves possessed of a constabulary power before which barbaric and atavistic forces will stand in awe. Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill
You cannot find peace by avoiding life. Virginia Woolf
Virginia Woolf
In remembering the appalling suffering of war on both sides, we recognise how precious is the peace we have built in Europe since 1945. Queen Elizabeth II
Queen Elizabeth II
Stop resisting your problems so furiously in your mind. Stop struggling to solve them. If you do that, a great sense of peace followed by a great sense of power will come to you. Norman Vincent Peale
Norman Vincent Peale
We could afford the price of peace. Love is all it costs. Dolly Parton
Dolly Parton
You must find the strength to open the wounds, stick your hands inside, pull out the core of the pain that is holding you in your past, the memories, and make peace with them. Iyanla Vanzant
Iyanla Vanzant
An economic policy which does not consider the well-being of all will not serve the purposes of peace and the growth of well-being among the people of all nations. Eleanor Roosevelt
Eleanor Roosevelt
If you are losing your peace in your quest for peace, you are not on the road to peace. The road to peace is peace. Alan H. Cohen
Alan H. Cohen