In the past, nothing is irretrievably lost but everything irrevocably stored. Viktor Frankl View this quote
In the past, nothing is irretrievably lost but everything irrevocably stored. Viktor Frankl
Viktor Frankl
Future is everything that past has forgotten. Søren Kierkegaard
Søren Kierkegaard
The truth is that you can only come to know God when you give up the past and the future in your mind and merge totally into the now, because God is always here now. Wayne Dyer
Wayne Dyer
I was around when my father finished the last payment of his house. I remember like it was yesterday. He had worked all those years to own that house and he cried. He was so excited and so happy and I want to see other people get that feeling, too. Magic Johnson
Magic Johnson
I like the honesty about direct selling because it openly tells people the way to get rich is residual income: Get paid tomorrow for something you did yesterday – and let it accumulate. Paul Zane Pilzer
Paul Zane Pilzer
The only thing stopping you is fear, and the only thing that will get you past it is courage. What you do with your life isn’t up to your parents, your boss, or your spouse. It’s up to you and you alone. Steve Pavlina
Steve Pavlina
Right now, in every big city ghetto, tens of thousands of yesterday’s and today’s school dropouts are keeping body and soul together by some form of hustling in the same way I did. Malcolm X
Malcolm X
I think that in great crises you need to have deep rooted convictions and I have a feeling from the kind of campaigns that I have watched Mr. Nixon in in the past that his convictions are not very strong. Eleanor Roosevelt
Eleanor Roosevelt
I guess we’re all kinda searching for a connection with something that’s relevant to our past and speaks to who we are, and maybe helps us make a connection to what we are, and where we come from. Usher
I’m a professional fighter and like most professional fighters I have had difficulties with my hands in the past. Floyd Mayweather Jr.
Floyd Mayweather Jr.