As mystery and miracles took charge of the past and present, prophesy took charge of the future and rounded the tenses of faith. Thomas Paine View this quote
As mystery and miracles took charge of the past and present, prophesy took charge of the future and rounded the tenses of faith. Thomas Paine
Thomas Paine
I guess no matter how hard you try, you can’t escape your past. Joel Osteen
Joel Osteen
I think when you move past your fear and you go after your dreams wholeheartedly, you become free. Know what I’m saying? Move past the fear. LL Cool J
LL Cool J
I could not imagine that the future I was walking toward could compare in any way to the past that I was leaving behind. Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela
Let us describe the education of our men. What then is the education to be? Perhaps we could hardly find a better than that which the experience of the past has already discovered, which consists, I believe, in gymnastic, for the body, and music for the mind. Plato
I feel quite sure that the American people, if they have knowledge and leadership, can meet any crisis just as well as they met it over and over again in the past. Eleanor Roosevelt
Eleanor Roosevelt
Be alert and present and see that your identity is not from your past story; who you truly are is the alert presence that is inseparable from the present moment. You are this, which has no name and no form. Eckhart Tolle
Eckhart Tolle
The future is of greater interest to me than the past, since that is where I intend to spend the rest of my life. Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein
The true past departs not, no truth or goodness realized by man ever dies, or can die; but all is still here, and, recognized or not, lives and works through endless change. Thomas Carlyle
Thomas Carlyle
Focusing intently on Christ naturally results in a lifestyle of increasingly greater selflessness. And it has another benefit. Gazing on Christ gives us greater ability to look past life’s trials and remain calm in the midst of what others would call chaos. Chuck Swindoll
Chuck Swindoll