The only one you should compare yourself to is you. Your mission is to become better today than you were yesterday. John C. Maxwell View this quote
The only one you should compare yourself to is you. Your mission is to become better today than you were yesterday. John C. Maxwell
John C. Maxwell
Children have neither past nor future, but what never happens with us, they enjoy the present. Jean de La Bruyere
Jean de La Bruyere
The person who insists on using yesterday’s methods in today’s world won’t be in business tomorrow. John C. Maxwell
If you want to understand today, you have to search yesterday. Pearl S. Buck
Pearl S. Buck
Excellence happens when you try each day to both do and be, a little better than you were yesterday! Pat Riley
Pat Riley
Never let yesterday use up too much of today. Will Rogers
Will Rogers
The only person with whom you have to compare ourselves, is that you in the past. And the only person better you should be, this is who you are now. Sigmund Freud
Sigmund Freud
The failures of the past must not be an excuse for the inaction of the present and the future. Martin Luther King Jr.
Martin Luther King Jr.
Create a vision and never let the limits of what has been done in the past shape your decisions. Ignore conventional wisdom. Tony Robbins
Tony Robbins
If we are not happy with where our past decisions have led us, then the place to start is with our current thinking process. Jim Rohn
Jim Rohn