People haven’t always been there for me but music always has. Taylor Swift View this quote
People haven’t always been there for me but music always has. Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift
Music rearranges your molecular structure. Carlos Santana
Carlos Santana
Sometimes it takes a tragedy to bring people together, other times it just takes music. Pink
Distance doesn’t exist, in fact, and neither does time. Vibrations from love or music can be felt everywhere, at all times. Yoko Ono
Yoko Ono
I get my dance moves from just moving around and listening to music and not really worrying about if it’s perfect or not. Ellen DeGeneres
Ellen DeGeneres
Life seems to go on without effort when I am filled with music. George Eliot
George Eliot
I believe there are certain things that God uses to get us out of a bad situation, and I believe music was one of the things he used for me. Mary J. Blige
Mary J. Blige
I believe that great success is possible in any field – from music to mathematics to macro trading – as long as a woman or man has the skill, passion, and repetitions to work through the inevitable life events that arise along the way. Paul Tudor Jones
Paul Tudor Jones
I decided to start my own label because so many people with talent come to me wanting to know how they can get in the music business. Mary J. Blige
Life without music is nothing but an error. Friedrich Nietzsche
Friedrich Nietzsche