The way management treats associates is exactly how the associates will treat the customers. Sam Walton View this quote
The way management treats associates is exactly how the associates will treat the customers. Sam Walton
Sam Walton
Unless we are being chased by a deadly animal or deranged human, or face imminent physical harm like falling to our death, fear is just bad management of our mind. Brendon Burchard
Brendon Burchard
Profits made out of the distress of the people are always much smaller than profits made out of the most lavish service of the people at the lowest prices that competent management can make possible. Henry Ford
Henry Ford
Management’s job is to convey leadership’s message in a compelling and inspiring way. Not just in meetings, but also by example. Jeffrey Gitomer
Jeffrey Gitomer
Time management is the key. Although it seems hectic, as long as you manage your time properly you can get everything done. John Cena
John Cena
Time management is instinctive. You already know what to do. Your problem is not doing it. Jeffrey Gitomer
There is no such thing as time management; there is only self-management. Rory Vaden
Rory Vaden
Management’s job is to look ahead. W. Edwards Deming
W. Edwards Deming
People work in the system. Management creates the system. W. Edwards Deming
The purpose of time management and getting more done in less time is to enable you to spend more face time with the people you care about and doing the things that give you the greatest amount of joy in life. Brian Tracy
Brian Tracy