I come here tonight as a sister, blessed with a brother who is my mentor, my protector and my lifelong friend. And I come here as a wife who loves my husband and believes he will be an extraordinary president. Michelle Obama View this quote
I come here tonight as a sister, blessed with a brother who is my mentor, my protector and my lifelong friend. And I come here as a wife who loves my husband and believes he will be an extraordinary president. Michelle Obama
Michelle Obama
Everyone loves justice in the affairs of another. Theodore Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt
He seeks us before we dream of seeking him; he knocks before we invite him in; he loves us before we respond. Fulton J. Sheen
Fulton J. Sheen
I feel fortunate as a woman to have a husband who loves me and shows me in every way. Michelle Obama
When a man loves a woman, periodically he needs to pull away before he can get closer. John Gray
John Gray
One loves ultimately one’s desires, not the thing desired. Friedrich Nietzsche
Friedrich Nietzsche
Woman is sacred; the woman one loves is holy. Alexandre Dumas
Alexandre Dumas
But what is it to me whether my chance is slight or great? I mean, must I consider this when I love? No-no reckoning; one loves because one loves. Then we keep our heads clear, and do not cloud our minds, nor do we hide our feelings, nor smother the fire and light, but simply say: Thank God, I love. Vincent Van Gogh
Vincent Van Gogh
Love is ownership. We own whom we love. The universe is God’s because He loves. Henry Ward Beecher
Henry Ward Beecher
It’s hard to care when no one loves you. Tupac Shakur
Tupac Shakur