In my life there is an infinite supply of love, it is in exhaustible, I can never use it all in this lifetime so I don’t have to be sparing with it! Louise Hay View this quote
In my life there is an infinite supply of love, it is in exhaustible, I can never use it all in this lifetime so I don’t have to be sparing with it! Louise Hay
Louise Hay
There’s no way that moving in with your parents is a sign that your life is on track. Jerry Seinfeld
Jerry Seinfeld
Discussing the possibilities of extraterrestrial life: I would love it even if they were short, sullen, grumpy and sexually obsessed. But there just isn’t any good evidence. Carl Sagan
Carl Sagan
To enjoy life we must touch much of it lightly. Voltaire
All trials are trials for one’s life, just as all sentences are sentences of death. Oscar Wilde
Oscar Wilde
Life gave me everything I asked If all I asked was not a great deal, that’s my problem! Jean-Paul Sartre
Jean-Paul Sartre
Sometimes the lines in a song are lines you wish you could text-message somebody in real life. Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift
Life piles up so fast that I have no time to write out the equally fast rising mound of reflections. Virginia Woolf
Virginia Woolf
There is a tide in the affairs of men, Which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat. And we must take the current when it serves, or lose our ventures. William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare
Time is the horizontal dimension of life, the surface layer of reality. Then there is the vertical dimension of depth, accessible only through the portal of the present moment. Eckhart Tolle
Eckhart Tolle