The only tyrannies from which men, women and children are suffering in real life are the tyrannies of minorities. Theodore Roosevelt View this quote
The only tyrannies from which men, women and children are suffering in real life are the tyrannies of minorities. Theodore Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt
Life cannot subsist in society but by reciprocal concessions. Samuel Johnson
Samuel Johnson
If you lose hope, somehow you lose the vitality that keeps life moving, you lose that courage to be, that quality that helps you to go on in spite of all. And so today I still have a dream. Martin Luther King Jr.
Martin Luther King Jr.
There was a time in my life when I thought I had everything – millions of dollars, mansions, cars, nice clothes, beautiful women, and every other materialistic thing you can imagine. Now I struggle for peace. Richard Pryor
Richard Pryor
To most teenagers, life is a strange uncharted land filled with a mixture of new joys, intensely felt, and painful confusions for which they know no anodyne. Eleanor Roosevelt
Eleanor Roosevelt
There is always somebody about to ruin your day, if not your life. Charles Bukowski
Charles Bukowski
The sands are number’d that make up my life. William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare
I know in my heart that man is good, that what is right will always eventually triumph, and there is purpose and worth to each and every life. Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan
Without football, my life is worth nothing. Cristiano Ronaldo
Cristiano Ronaldo
I was sitting on the bus, and the sign said if you’re ready to better your life, come to Medgar Evers College, and I got off the bus and went to Medgar Evers College. Iyanla Vanzant
Iyanla Vanzant