Life is not the body; it is not the mind; it is not the soul. It is a force. Don Miguel Ruiz View this quote
Life is not the body; it is not the mind; it is not the soul. It is a force. Don Miguel Ruiz
Don Miguel Ruiz
We are the victims of the world’s most comprehensive robbery. Life demands a balance. It’s all right if we do a little robbing now. Maya Angelou
Maya Angelou
A life is made up of a great number of small incidents and a small number of great ones. Roald Dahl
Roald Dahl
You have to embrace getting older. Life is precious, and when you’ve lost a lot of people, you realize each day is a gift. Meryl Streep
Meryl Streep
Don’t simply dismiss a coincidence and let it drift away. Life is totally interconnected. These unusual ‘things’ are simply connections that surprise you because you aren’t used to seeing life except in fragments. Now it is beginning to piece itself together. Deepak Chopra
Deepak Chopra
Every dream I’ve ever had in life has come true ten times over. Steve Wozniak
Steve Wozniak
Everything in life got its purpose. Find its reason in every season. Bob Marley
Bob Marley
A man cannot be said to succeed in this life who does not satisfy one friend. Henry David Thoreau
Henry David Thoreau
It takes an extraordinary amount of attention to manifest any ambition. But life intervenes – distractions and obligations pull us away from the ambition we originally had. Brendon Burchard
Brendon Burchard
Freedom is being allowed to think your own thoughts and live your own life. John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy