Set peace of mind as your highest goal, and then organize your life around it. Brian Tracy View this quote
Set peace of mind as your highest goal, and then organize your life around it. Brian Tracy
Brian Tracy
Unresolved guilt will turn you into a miserable, weary, angry, stressed-out, fretful mess. Guilt sucks the life right out of our souls. Grace restores it. Max Lucado
Max Lucado
Life is only given us once, and one wants to live it boldly, with full consciousness and beauty. Anton Chekhov
Anton Chekhov
It takes energy, mental toughness and spiritual reinforcement to successfully deal with life’s opportunities, and to reach your objectives. Zig Ziglar
Zig Ziglar
Be passionate about your life and the experiences you fill it with. Deepak Chopra
Deepak Chopra
The best results I have had in my life; the most enjoyable times, have all come from asking the simple question: ‘What is the worst that could happen?’ Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
You must become the producer, director and actor in the unfolding story of your life. Wayne Dyer
Wayne Dyer
Teenagers are my life and my triumph. I’d be nowhere without them. Elvis Presley
Elvis Presley
Crude classifications and false generalizations are the curse of the organized life. H. G. Wells
H. G. Wells
We need hope. There’s nothing worse than to live a life of despair. For a person to have no hope just sucks the blue out of every sky. Max Lucado