Art is to console those who are broken by life. Vincent Van Gogh View this quote
Art is to console those who are broken by life. Vincent Van Gogh
Vincent Van Gogh
Wake up every morning with a thankful attitude. Expect something good to happen in your life today. Joel Osteen
Joel Osteen
Many of the most successful men and women in the world never graduated from college. They attended the school of life instead. Brian Tracy
Brian Tracy
Looking after your personal interests is proper life management. Doing so to the exclusion of the rest of the world is selfishness. Max Lucado
Max Lucado
I had many of the trappings of success. I was a lawyer. I drove a nice car and I had nice things. But ‘things’ don’t make a rich life. Robin Sharma
Robin Sharma
What we do in life is determined by how we communicate to ourselves. In the modern world, the quality of life is the quality of communication. Tony Robbins
Tony Robbins
Wisdom is knowing I am nothing, love is knowing I am everything, and between the two my life moves. Wayne Dyer
Wayne Dyer
In America, we do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone but rather to let it shine as an example. We will shine for everyone to follow. Donald Trump
Donald Trump
But certainly, for us who understand life, figures are a matter of indifference. Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Living by a congruent philosophy is not about finding a school, or thinking deep thoughts. It is to live your life fully, and become the greatest version of yourself. Randy Gage
Randy Gage