Everything you gain in life will rot and fall apart, and all that will be left of you is what was in your heart. Jim Carrey View this quote
Everything you gain in life will rot and fall apart, and all that will be left of you is what was in your heart. Jim Carrey
Jim Carrey
Life is largely a matter of expectation. Horace
A primary goal of the spiritual life is to learn to quiet the mind through prayer and meditation, through spiritual practice, so that we can hear what in both Judaism and Christianity, is called the small, still voice within. Marianne Williamson
Marianne Williamson
A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of service and compassion are the things which renew humanity. Buddha
Life is divided into three periods: that which has been, that which is, that which will be. Of these the present is short, the future is doubtful, the past is certain. Seneca the Younger
Seneca the Younger
Man is never happy, but spends his whole life in striving after something which he thinks will make him so. Arthur Schopenhauer
Arthur Schopenhauer
In spite of everything life is not without hope. Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn Monroe
My parents taught my sister and me the importance of giving back and making a difference in another person’s life. Beyonce
Life is always both an active state of being, and an ever-changing state of being. Leo Buscaglia
Leo Buscaglia
Once you have sold a customer, make sure he is satisfied with your goods. Stay with him until the goods are used up or worn out. Your product may be of such long life that you will never sell him again, but he will sell you and your product to his friends. William Feather
William Feather