For 24 years of my adult life, by choice I weighed well over 200 pounds. I say ‘by choice’ because I have never ‘accidentally’ eaten anything, so when I choose to eat too much, I have chosen to weigh too much. Zig Ziglar View this quote
For 24 years of my adult life, by choice I weighed well over 200 pounds. I say ‘by choice’ because I have never ‘accidentally’ eaten anything, so when I choose to eat too much, I have chosen to weigh too much. Zig Ziglar
Zig Ziglar
For most people, life would be boring without meaningful work. Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss
From age eleven to age sixteen I lived a spartan life without the usual adolescent uncertainty. I wanted to be the best swimmer in the world, and there was nothing else. Diana Nyad
Diana Nyad
All the variety, all the charm, all the beauty of life is made up of light and shadow. Leo Tolstoy
Leo Tolstoy
Your life is not about what you are doing. Yet, it is true that what you are doing is often a reflection of what your life is about. Neale Donald Walsch
Neale Donald Walsch
From the middle of life onward, only he remains vitally alive who is ready to die with life. Carl Jung
Carl Jung
The life of the mind is only open to rich people. Aristotle
The chief purpose of government is to protect life. Abandon that and you have abandoned all. Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson
No man is a failure who is enjoying life. William Feather
William Feather
Answer the big question of eternity, and the little questions of life fall into perspective. Max Lucado
Max Lucado