Approach your own inner life with a loving quality that accepts who you are without trying to change who you are. Laozi View this quote
Approach your own inner life with a loving quality that accepts who you are without trying to change who you are. Laozi
Everything in life is a checklist, whether it’s building a birdhouse or building a kitchen. If you don’t have a checklist, you’re much more likely to forget something. Brian Tracy
Brian Tracy
Our ability to handle life’s challenges is a measure of our strength of character. Les Brown
Les Brown
Principles are what allow you to live a life consistent with those values. Principles connect your values to your actions. Ray Dalio
Ray Dalio
There is one irrefutable law of the universe: We are each responsible for our own life. Oprah Winfrey
Oprah Winfrey
Lasting happiness comes from steadily working to accomplish your goals and advancing in the direction of your life’s purpose. Robin Sharma
Robin Sharma
God’s wealth circulates in my life, it flows to me in avalanches of abundance. All my needs, desires and goals are met instantaneously, for I am one with God and he is everything! Tony Robbins
Tony Robbins
Will you look back on life and say ‘I wish I had’ or ‘I’m glad I did’? Zig Ziglar
Zig Ziglar
By thinking and acting affirmatively in this minute, you will influence the hour, the day, and in time, your entire life. Denis Waitley
Denis Waitley
It’s your life – but only if you make it so. Eleanor Roosevelt
Eleanor Roosevelt