Ours is a government of liberty by, through, and under the law. A great democracy must be progressive or it will soon cease to be great or a democracy. Theodore Roosevelt View this quote
Ours is a government of liberty by, through, and under the law. A great democracy must be progressive or it will soon cease to be great or a democracy. Theodore Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt
The matter of fees is important, far beyond the mere question of bread and butter involved. Properly attended to, fuller justice is done to both lawyer and client. Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln
Well, I don’t know as I want a lawyer to tell me what I cannot do. I hire him to tell how to do what I want to do. J. P. Morgan
J. P. Morgan
Every man should know something of law; if he knows enough to keep out of it, he is a pretty good lawyer. Josh Billings
Josh Billings
The law of conservation of energy tells us we can’t get something for nothing, but we refuse to believe it. Isaac Asimov
Isaac Asimov
Doing abominations is against the law, particularly if the abominations are done while wearing a lobster bib. Woody Allen
Woody Allen
The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill
By such deductions the law of gravitation is rendered probable, that every particle attracts every other particle with a force which varies inversely as the square of the distance. The law thus suggested is assumed to be universally true. Isaac Newton
Isaac Newton
The American Beauty Rose can be produced in the splendor and fragrance which bring cheer to its beholder only by sacrificing the early buds which grow up around it. This is not an evil tendency in business. It is merely the working-out of a law of nature and a law of God. John D. Rockefeller
John D. Rockefeller
In the end, reconciliation is a spiritual process, which requires more than just a legal framework. It has to happen in the hearts and minds of people. Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela