Find a positive lesson and positive reason for all of your personal relationships. Accentuate the blessings and knowledge gained from each. Denis Waitley View this quote
Find a positive lesson and positive reason for all of your personal relationships. Accentuate the blessings and knowledge gained from each. Denis Waitley
Denis Waitley
What is important is not the quantity of your knowledge but its quality. You can know many things without knowing the most important. Leo Tolstoy
Leo Tolstoy
At the height of maturity, there is no difference between knowledge and sentiment. Stephen Covey
Stephen Covey
What you know you know. What you don’t know, you don’t know. This is knowledge. Confucius
If you look at the people who have high impact, they have pretty general knowledge. They don’t have a really narrowly focused education. Larry Page
Larry Page
No amount of knowledge will nourish or sustain your spirit, it can never bring you ulimate happiness or peace. Life requires more that knowledge; it requires intense feeling and constant energy. Life demands right action if knowledge is to come alive. Dan Millman
Dan Millman
But the man who is ready to taste every form of knowledge, is glad to learn and never satisfied – he’s the man who deserves to be called a philosopher, isn’t he?’ Plato
Knowledge is the life of the mind. Abu Bakr
Abu Bakr
Knowledge is pain that’s why it hurts to know. Drake
Is love an art? Then it requires knowledge and effort. Erich Fromm
Erich Fromm