All growth starts at the end of your comfort zone. Tony Robbins View this quote
All growth starts at the end of your comfort zone. Tony Robbins
Tony Robbins
All successful people learn that success is buried on the other side of frustration. Tony Robbins
Success is falling nine times and getting up ten. Jon Bon Jovi
Jon Bon Jovi
Anything can be achieved with a strong enough why! Tony Robbins
Eat your fears; don’t feed them by backing off or giving them time to grow. Grant Cardone
Grant Cardone
As soon as you truly commit to making something happen, the ‘how’ will reveal itself. Tony Robbins
You can be the one-in-a-million. Don’t be discouraged by the odds to succeed. David Beckham
David Beckham
There is no way around the hard work. Embrace it. Roger Federer
Roger Federer
You will go through tough times, it’s about getting through them. David Beckham
Business is a spiritual pursuit. Your business will not grow unless you grow as a person. Tony Robbins