Success occurs when your dreams get bigger than your excuses. Chris Gardner View this quote
Success occurs when your dreams get bigger than your excuses. Chris Gardner
Chris Gardner
There’s nothing wrong with ordinary. I just prefer to shoot for extraordinary. Darren Hardy
Darren Hardy
The dream is free. The hustle is sold separately. Chris Gardner
It is never too late to be what you might have been. George Eliot
George Eliot
For every obstacle there is a solution. Persistence is the key. The greatest mistake is giving up! Dwight D. Eisenhower
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Your experiences are relevant. Value those experiences, learn from them and keep moving! Chris Gardner
Beneath every excuse lies a fear. Practice being fearless. Robin Sharma
Robin Sharma
Losers quit when they’re tired. Winners quit when they’ve won. Mike Ditka
Mike Ditka
Don’t watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going. Sam Levenson
Sam Levenson
I went on the courts with just a ball and a racket and a hope, and that’s all I had. Serena Williams
Serena Williams