All natural goods perish. Riches take wings; fame is a breath; love is a cheat; youth and health and pleasure vanish. William James View this quote
All natural goods perish. Riches take wings; fame is a breath; love is a cheat; youth and health and pleasure vanish. William James
William James
There is a limit to the best of health, disease is always a near neighbor. Aeschylus
After a century of striving, after a year of debate, after a historic vote, health care reform is no longer an unmet promise. It is the law of the land. Barack Obama
Barack Obama
I admire the good samaritan, but I don’t want to be one.I don’t want to spend my life picking up people by the side of the road after they have been beaten up and robbed. I want to change the Jericho road, so that everybody has an opportunity for a job, education, security, health. Martin Luther King Jr.
Martin Luther King Jr.
I believe in universal health care. And I am not afraid to say so. Stephen Hawking
Stephen Hawking
A study conducted at Harvard Medical School found that people who got more sleep than the bare minimum they needed increased the volume of gray matter in their brains, which is linked to improved psychological health. Arianna Huffington
Arianna Huffington
Your physical self is inspired by a divine force that beats its heart, digests its food and grows its fingernails, and this same force is receptive to endlessly abundant health. Wayne Dyer
Wayne Dyer
Sport is a preserver of health. Hippocrates
I’m not in Wall Street for my health. J. P. Morgan
J. P. Morgan
Thus it can be seen that mental health is based on a certain degree of tension, the tension between what one has already achieved and what one still ought to accomplish, or the gap between what one is and what one should become. Viktor Frankl
Viktor Frankl