Health is a precious thing, and the only one, in truth, meriting that a man should lay out not only his time, sweat, labor and goods, but also life itself to obtain it. Michel de Montaigne View this quote
Health is a precious thing, and the only one, in truth, meriting that a man should lay out not only his time, sweat, labor and goods, but also life itself to obtain it. Michel de Montaigne
Michel de Montaigne
Good nature is often a mere matter of health. Henry Ward Beecher
Henry Ward Beecher
The healthy life is hardly one marked by an absence of crises. In fact, an individual’s psychological health is distinguished by how early he or she can meet crisis. William E. Vaughan
William E. Vaughan
Half the spiritual difficulties that men and women suffer arise from a morbid state of health. Henry Ward Beecher
Communities and countries and ultimately the world are only as strong as the health of their women. Michelle Obama
Michelle Obama
I pray every day, several times. It soothes me. I don’t ask for anything, except for health. Jon Bon Jovi
Jon Bon Jovi
All you owe any person in the world is love, and love is wishing for everyone what you wish for yourself – health, happiness, and all the blessings of life. Joseph Murphy
Joseph Murphy
Success, wealth, good health and nurturing relationships are by-products of happiness, not the cause. Deepak Chopra
Deepak Chopra
Never permit your imagination to be used negatively; never distort or twist it. You can imagine sickness, accident, and loss and become a mental wreck. To imagine sickness and lack is to destroy your peace of mind, health, and happiness. Joseph Murphy
I wish for you a life of wealth, health and happiness; a life in which you give to yourself the gift of patience, the virtue of reason, the value of knowledge, and the influence of faith in your own ability to dream about and achieve worthy rewards. Jim Rohn
Jim Rohn