When my time on earth is gone, and my activities here are passed, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass! Bob Knight View this quote
When my time on earth is gone, and my activities here are passed, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass! Bob Knight
Bob Knight
I am a fan of all genres. My big thing is to serve the purpose of the script and what the director wants. If it’s a comedy, I want to be funny; if it’s action, I want to bring the action. If it’s drama, I want to be the catalyst for that drama. That’s the fun part; it never gets boring being an actor. Terry Crews
Terry Crews
For two people in a marriage to live together day after day is unquestionably the one miracle the Vatican has overlooked. Bill Cosby
Bill Cosby
See, the problem is that God gives men a brain and a penis, and only enough blood to run one at a time. Robin Williams
Robin Williams
George Booth and I are both funny, and from afar, without meeting, admired each other’s work. Bill Cosby
I have no illusions about my looks. I think my face is funny. Audrey Hepburn
Audrey Hepburn
Sometimes you do know, in ‘Commando’ when I said ‘I lied’, I knew that it was going to be a funny line. I’ve never had a bad line. Arnold Schwarzenegger
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Charles Chaplin makes a million dollars a year out of a funny, shuffling walk and a pair of baggy trousers, because he does ‘something different.’ Take the hint and ‘individualize’ yourself with some distinctive idea. Napoleon Hill
Napoleon Hill
I tell you, it’s funny because the only time I think about HIV is when I have to take my medicine twice a day. Magic Johnson
Magic Johnson
An honest politician is one that stays bought. Robert A. Heinlein
Robert A. Heinlein