My advice to public speakers: Prepare extensively every time… and be funny. Zig Ziglar View this quote
My advice to public speakers: Prepare extensively every time… and be funny. Zig Ziglar
Zig Ziglar
At eighty-two, I feel like a twenty-year-old, but, unfortunately, there’s never one around. Milton Berle
Milton Berle
I bought my kid an educational toy to help him make it through life. No matter how you put it together, it’s wrong. Milton Berle
I made a terrible mistake last Christmas. My wife made me swear that I wouldn’t give her a fancy gift. And I didn’t. Milton Berle
A committee of three can accomplish much if two don’t show up. Kurt Vonnegut
Kurt Vonnegut
In Washington, a man gets up to speak and doesn’t say a thing, and the other men disagree with him for three hours. Milton Berle
Los Angeles is the home of the three little white lies: ‘The Ferrari is paid for,’ ‘The mortgage is assumable,’ and ‘It’s just a cold sore!’ Milton Berle
Some men spend a lifetime in an attempt to comprehend the complexities of women. Others pre-occupy themselves with somewhat simpler tasks, such as understanding the theory of relativity! Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein
Most attorneys practice law because it gives them a grand and glorious feeling. You give them a grand – and they feel glorious. Milton Berle
My brother applied for work, but was told by the company that it had more employees than it needed. My brother said, ‘Don’t worry. The little bit of work I do won’t be noticed!’ Milton Berle