Silence is the true friend that never betrays. Confucius View this quote
Silence is the true friend that never betrays. Confucius
There is no love without friendship. Passion alone does not form relationships of value. Bruce Lee
Bruce Lee
If you go looking for a friend, you’re going to find they’re very scarce. If you go out to be a friend, you’ll find them everywhere. Zig Ziglar
Zig Ziglar
A friend may be waiting behind a stranger’s face. Maya Angelou
Maya Angelou
Everyone is your best friend when you’re successful. Make sure that the people you surround yourself with are also the people you’re not afraid of failing with. Paula Abdul
Paula Abdul
For me, the sea has always been a confidant, a friend absorbing all it is told and never revealing those secrets; always giving the best advice – its meaningful noises can be interpreted any way you choose. Che Guevara
Che Guevara
My friend is one who takes me for what I am. Henry David Thoreau
Henry David Thoreau
A valuable friend is one who’ll tell you what you should be told, even if it offends you. Frank Clark
Frank Clark
If you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven’t learned anything. Muhammad Ali
Muhammad Ali
Accept change as a friend. And don’t take yourself too seriously. Tom Peters
Tom Peters