Forgiveness is a gift to myself. I forgive, and I set myself free. Louise Hay View this quote
Forgiveness is a gift to myself. I forgive, and I set myself free. Louise Hay
Louise Hay
Forgiveness is abandoning your right to revenge. Desmond Tutu
Desmond Tutu
Forgiveness is a gift to yourself. It frees you from the past, past experiences, and past relationships. It allows you to live in the present time. When you forgive yourself and forgive others, you are indeed free. Louise Hay
Forgiveness is an absolute necessity for continued human existence. Desmond Tutu
If you can forgive the person you were, accept the person you are, and believe in the person you will become, you are headed for joy. So celebrate your life. Barbara Johnson
Barbara Johnson
Forgiving makes me feel free and light. I forgive everyone, including myself. Louise Hay
Forgiveness is nothing less than the way we heal the world. We heal the world by healing each and every one of our hearts. The process is simple, but it is not easy. Desmond Tutu
We experience God to the extent to which we love, forgive, and focus on the good in others and ourselves. Marianne Williamson
Marianne Williamson
Forgiveness is something that we are often asked to grant and very few of us ever have the roadmap of how to get from the pain that we have experienced to being able to forgive someone. Desmond Tutu
I have a very old and very faithful attachment for dogs. I like them because they always forgive. Albert Camus
Albert Camus