Failure is a great teacher and, if you are open to it, every mistake has a lesson to offer. Oprah Winfrey View this quote
Failure is a great teacher and, if you are open to it, every mistake has a lesson to offer. Oprah Winfrey
Oprah Winfrey
More businesses fail from lack of leadership than from any other single factor. Robert Kiyosaki
Robert Kiyosaki
Failure is a state of mind. It’s like one of those sand traps an ant lion digs. You keep sliding back. Takes one hell of a jump to get out of it. John Steinbeck
John Steinbeck
Attitude, humor and action will whip fears and rejection. Fear of failure doesn’t exist, if you believe it doesn’t. Jeffrey Gitomer
Jeffrey Gitomer
Better to dare mighty things and fail than to live in a grey twilight where there is neither victory nor defeat. Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill
A strategy that doesn’t take into account resources is doomed to failure. John C. Maxwell
John C. Maxwell
Most of the reason we don’t do things is because we’re afraid to fail. I just made a decision one day that I was not not going to do things in my life because of fear. Sara Blakely
Sara Blakely
My dad encouraged us to fail. Growing up, he would ask us what we failed at that week. If we didn’t have something, he would be disappointed. It changed my mindset at an early age that failure is not the outcome, failure is not trying. Don’t be afraid to fail. Sara Blakely
There was never any fear for me, no fear of failure. If I miss a shot, so what? Michael Jordan
Michael Jordan
It was my fear of failure that first kept me from attempting the master work. Now, I’m beginning what I could have started ten years ago. But I’m happy at least that I didn’t wait twenty years. Paulo Coelho
Paulo Coelho