We are not a failure just because we fail at something. Nobody is a failure unless they quit trying! Joyce Meyer View this quote
We are not a failure just because we fail at something. Nobody is a failure unless they quit trying! Joyce Meyer
Joyce Meyer
You never fail if you know in your heart that you did the best of which you are capable. John Wooden
John Wooden
Success takes more than the desire to win. It also takes the acceptance that we could fail. Simon Sinek
Simon Sinek
Most people fail, not because of lack of desire, but, because of lack of commitment. Vince Lombardi
Vince Lombardi
Wisdom does not come from constant success. Wisdom comes from lessons learned through failure. Nido Qubein
Nido Qubein
Each man is capable of doing one thing well. If he attempts several, he will fail to achieve distinction in any. Plato
The primary reason for failure is that people do not develop new plans to replace those plans that didn’t work. Napoleon Hill
Napoleon Hill
It’s fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure. Bill Gates
Bill Gates
You are not being tested! You are being fortified! Remember, you cannot fail! Iyanla Vanzant
Iyanla Vanzant
Talent comes from experience and failure. Richard Branson
Richard Branson