Clearly drive, IQ, and hard work are incredibly important. But ultimately what matters most is resilience – the ability to quickly rebound from failures, indeed to see failure as a stepping stone to success. Arianna Huffington View this quote
Clearly drive, IQ, and hard work are incredibly important. But ultimately what matters most is resilience – the ability to quickly rebound from failures, indeed to see failure as a stepping stone to success. Arianna Huffington
Arianna Huffington
Fear is born of the thought of failure when one is attached to success. Anger is born of frustrated desire. Paramahansa Yogananda
Paramahansa Yogananda
Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill
Two sure ways to fail – Think and never do or do and never think. Zig Ziglar
Zig Ziglar
Failure is a stepping stone to success. Arianna Huffington
Failure is an integral part of life and that perfection is not of this world. Arianna Huffington
When the mind becomes so completely absorbed in higher attainments and in greater achievements that all thought of failure is forgotten, all the forces of mind will begin to work for the promotion of those attainments and achievements. Christian D. Larson
Christian D. Larson
The learning person looks forward to failure or mistakes. The worst problem in leadership is basically early success. Warren Bennis
Warren Bennis
The separation of talent and skill is one of the largest misconceptions in modern society. Talent is something you born with, but skill can only be attained through hours and hours of hard work perfecting your talent as a craft. Which is why Talent will fail you without skill. Will Smith
Will Smith
Too many of us fail to fulfill our needs because we say no rather than yes, or perhaps later in life, yes when we should say no. William Glasser
William Glasser