Plans are great. But missions are better. Missions survive when plans fail, and plans almost always fail. Seth Godin View this quote
Plans are great. But missions are better. Missions survive when plans fail, and plans almost always fail. Seth Godin
Seth Godin
Many people fail in life, not for lack of ability or brains or even courage but simply because they have never organized their energies around a goal. Elbert Hubbard
Elbert Hubbard
Rehearsing failure is simply a bad habit, not a productive use of your time. Seth Godin
Failure is much easier to handle if you just think of it as feedback to guide your next effort. Michael Josephson
Michael Josephson
No matter what one does, regardless of failure or success, the experience is a form of success in itself. Jack Ma
Jack Ma
A man can fail many times, but he isn’t a failure until he begins to blame somebody else. John Burroughs
John Burroughs
I would rather fail pushing forward than in retreat. Grant Cardone
Grant Cardone
As long as you try your best, you are never a failure. That is, unless you blame others. John Wooden
John Wooden
Excitement must lead to immediate action or you will lose the power of momentum. More dreams die because we fail to seize the moment. Do it now! Tony Robbins
Tony Robbins
It is the accumulative weight of our disciplines and our judgments that leads us to either fortune or failure. Jim Rohn
Jim Rohn