At the end of failure is the beginning of success. But most people are wallowing in self pity and anger to see the golden ticket. Jeffrey Gitomer View this quote
At the end of failure is the beginning of success. But most people are wallowing in self pity and anger to see the golden ticket. Jeffrey Gitomer
Jeffrey Gitomer
Failure is an event, not a person. Think of failure as ‘it,’ not ‘me.’ Jeffrey Gitomer
Failure is not about insecurity. It’s about lack of execution. Jeffrey Gitomer
Be prepared to ride the cycles and trends of life; success is never permanent, and failure is never final. Brian Tracy
Brian Tracy
Any fact facing us is not as important as our attitude toward it, for that determines our success or failure. Norman Vincent Peale
Norman Vincent Peale
Despair and postponement are cowardice and defeat. Men were born to succeed, not to fail. Henry David Thoreau
Henry David Thoreau
Most entrepreneurs fail because they are working in their business rather than on their business. Michael Gerber
Michael Gerber
When we got Tesla going at the very beginning, if you asked me what I thought the odds of success were, I would have said less than 50%. I would have said that failure is the most likely outcome. Elon Musk
Elon Musk
If I fail more than you do, I win. Seth Godin
Seth Godin
Failure is success if we learn from it. Mario Andretti
Mario Andretti