Women have to summon up courage to fulfill dormant dreams. Alice Walker View this quote
Women have to summon up courage to fulfill dormant dreams. Alice Walker
Alice Walker
Great suffering brings with it the power of great endurance. When sorrow is deepest all the forces of patience and courage are banded together to do their duty. So while we are cowards before petty troubles, great sorrows make us brave by rousing our truer manhood. Rabindranath Tagore
Rabindranath Tagore
To take the difficulties, setbacks and sorrows of life as a challenge to overcome makes us stronger, rather than unjust punishment which should not happen to us, requires faith and courage. Erich Fromm
Erich Fromm
We must have courage to bet on our ideas, to take the calculated risk, and to act. Everyday living requires courage if life is to be effective and bring happiness. Maxwell Maltz
Maxwell Maltz
Heroics is often about putting our life on the line. Ordinary courage is about putting our vulnerability on the line. Brené Brown
Brené Brown
Courageous men never lose the zest for living even though their life situation is zestless; cowardly men, overwhelmed by the uncertainties of life, lose the will to live. We must constantly build dykes of courage to hold back the flood of fear. Martin Luther King Jr.
Martin Luther King Jr.
There is nothing more majestic than the determined courage of individuals willing to suffer and sacrifice for their freedom and dignity. Martin Luther King Jr.
The only thing stopping you is fear, and the only thing that will get you past it is courage. What you do with your life isn’t up to your parents, your boss, or your spouse. It’s up to you and you alone. Steve Pavlina
Steve Pavlina
I can confidently say that stories of pain and courage almost always include two things: praying and cussing. Sometimes at the exact same time. Brené Brown
Hatred and fear blind us. We no longer see each other. We see only the faces of monsters, and that gives us the courage to destroy each other. Thich Nhat Hanh
Thich Nhat Hanh