All that mankind has done, thought, gained or been: it is lying as in magic preservation in the pages of books. Thomas Carlyle View this quote
All that mankind has done, thought, gained or been: it is lying as in magic preservation in the pages of books. Thomas Carlyle
Thomas Carlyle
I don’t talk about my books while I’m writing them: not even my husband knows what a novel’s about until it’s done. Sarah Dessen
Sarah Dessen
Do you know why people are reading more books now than ever before? Because the terrific catastrophe of the war has made them realize that their minds are ill. Christopher Morley
Christopher Morley
What better book can there be than the book of humanity. Mahatma Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi
I am writing a book. So far I have the pages numbered. Steven Wright
Steven Wright
In a Glasser Quality School there is no such thing as a closed book test. Students are told to get out their notes and open their books. There is no such thing as being forbidden to ask the teacher or another student for help. William Glasser
William Glasser
If he can give his readers no reason why they should read his book, except that the events happened to him, it is not a valid book. Ayn Rand
Ayn Rand
For paradise in the world to come is uncertain, but there is indeed a heaven on this earth, a heaven we inhabit when we read a good book. Christopher Morley
For paradise in the world to come is uncertain, but there is indeed a heaven on this earth, a heaven which we inhabit when we read a good book. Christopher Morley
I’m very aware how many distractions the reader has in life today, how many good reasons there are to put the book down. David McCullough
David McCullough